International Symposium on Equine Reproduction (ISER)

and Rules

Please find our full constitution and rules 2018...

  1. International Committee: Aims and Functions

    1. To make arrangements for an International Symposium on Equine Reproduction (ISER) to be held every four (4) years or at such other interval as the International Committee deems appropriate.
    2. To meet the principal objectives of these Symposia: the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge on all matters relating to equine reproduction.
    3. To establish rules and guidelines for the organisation and conduct of each Symposium, particularly in respect to such matters as: financial sponsorship; length and style of each Symposium; number of speakers and participants; number, length and style of papers to be presented; and arrangements for editing and publication of the Proceedings.
    4. To work closely with the International Equine Reproduction Trust (IERT) to ensure financial stability and support of ISER and, together with other fund-raising activities, ensure continuance of these Symposia.
    5. To determine the venue for each Symposium and to appoint a Local Organising Committee (LOC) Chair.
    6. To determine the general format of the scientific programme and to appoint conveners to select abstracts to be presented at the Symposia, working in close collaboration with the Programme Committee (see Section 4) as required.
    7. To carry out elections for the International Committee and its officers, and elect members and officers of the International Committee.

  2. International Committee: Operation and Memberships

    1. The International Committee (IC) will be responsible for the fulfilment of the aims and functions listed in Section 1 of this document.
    2. The IC will meet at least biennially: during each Symposium and approximately mid-way between Symposia. The date and venue of the mid-way meeting will be related to the date and venue of the International Congress of Animal Reproduction whenever possible, and the date confirmed at least 6 months in advance. Additional meetings may be convened at the discretion of the Chair. The reports and agenda for all meetings will normally be distributed to members at least one (1) month in advance or as soon as received by the Secretary.
    3. The IC shall consist of a Chair, Treasurer, Editor, and at least nine (9) additional elected Members. Secretarial support shall be furnished under contract as determined from time to time by the IC.
    4. The members of the IC shall represent the following geographic areas and interests: Asia, Oceania and Africa: 2 members; The Americas: 3 members; Europe : 3 members; At large: at least 4 members.
    5. Members shall be elected for a period of eight (8) years and shall be eligible for re-election thereafter for a further 4-year period. Ex-members shall become eligible for re-election after standing down for at least four (4) years.
    6. In the event of resignation or death of a member, the IC Chair in consultation with the IC may appoint a replacement to serve for the remainder of the term of the individual concerned.
    7. Nominations for election to the IC, stating the geographic representation of the candidate (see 2.4) must be duly proposed by a member of the existing committee or by at least 5 attendees of the Symposium, and sent to the Secretary at or prior to the Symposium. Candidates will subsequently be asked to confirm their willingness to serve. Postal ballots will be distributed by the Secretary to current IC members as soon as possible after each Symposium, and at least 12 months prior to the midway meeting. Votes will be counted by an independent scrutineer and the results normally declared by the Secretary at least 6 months before the midway meeting.
    8. All newly elected members and co-opted members will normally be sent a copy of the Constitution and Rules at least 30 days before their first meeting.
    9. The IC Chair will be elected at the meeting held at each Symposium by a majority vote of the members present and will hold office for four (4) years from the mid-point of the mid-way meeting. All other officers (Treasurer and Editor) will be elected at the mid-way meeting, by a majority vote of the members present, and will take office at the mid-way meeting and serve for one term, i.e. four (4) years, but be eligible for re-election. There is no time limit on the period served by the Secretary.
    10. The IC will normally determine, by majority vote, the venue for the next Symposium at its meeting held at each Symposium, after consideration of the bids from potential hosts.
    11. The IC will normally approve the appointment of a Local Organising Committee (LOC) Chair for each Symposium at the time of the acceptance of the bid. This individual will normally be a member of the IC but, if not, will be co-opted to membership until the mid-way meeting after the Symposium for which his/her committee is responsible.
    12. The IC will normally select an Honorary Chair for the next Symposium at the time of the mid-way meeting.
    13. The IC will normally appoint conveners for each of the scientific sections for the next Symposium at the time of the mid-way meeting.
    14. The IC will normally decide on the scientific format of the program (see 1.3) for the next Symposium at the time of the mid-way meeting.

  3. Local Orgnising Committee (LOC)

    1. The LOC will be responsible for all matters related to the organisation of each Symposium with the exception of matters related to the scientific programme as outlined in Sections1 and 4 of this document.
    2. The Chair of the LOC (who is approved by the IC; see 2.11), will appoint additional members to the LOC.
    3. The LOC will establish a budget for the Symposium and endeavour to raise funds to ensure that general expenses directly related to the Symposium are covered, including travel, meals and accommodation expenses for the Honorary Chair and guest, and registration for IC members and the Secretary. Consideration of reimbursement for travel will be the responsibility of the IC.
    4. The LOC can apply to the IERT for grants and / or loans via the ISER Treasurer and Secretary (see protocol ADD THIS NAME) to cover for example, start-up costs, including deposits to reserve a venue(s).
    5. The LOC will issue invitations to, and accept registrations from, all individuals approved to attend by the IC Chair, with whom the LOC will maintain close liaison throughout the planning process.
    6. Any funds remaining after the LOC has settled all its Symposium accounts will be transferred to the International Equine Reproduction Trust .
    7. The LOC Chair will normally submit a report to the International Committee within 6 months of the close of the Symposium.

  4. Programme Committee (PC)

    1. The Editor will be Chair of the Programme Committee.
    2. The PC will consist of the Editor, the principal conveners of the scientific sessions, the IC Chair, and the LOC Chair and/or his/her designate.
    3. Members of the PC will be appointed at the mid-way meeting by the IC and will hold office for four (4) years, but will be eligible for re-appointment.
    4. The PC will be responsible for the preparation of the call for abstracts for each Symposium and shall ensure that it is adequately publicised.
    5. The PC will be responsible for the selection of abstracts for presentation at each Symposium, working in close collaboration with the International Committee if required (see 1.6).
    6. The PC will assist the Editor in discharging his/her responsibilities.
    7. The PC is responsible for the final scientific programme, in collaboration with the International Committee if required.
Background Background

1st -6th August 2027

Dublin, Ireland