Interested in hosting
future Symposia?

Bids for Future Symposia

The International Committee of ISER solicits bids from parties interested in hosting future Symposia.

Presentations on behalf of proposed venues are received at meetings of the International Committee held in conjunction with each Symposium. The choice of the next venue is made by vote in the International Committee and announced at the end of the Symposium. Every attempt is made to represent all geographical areas on a regular basis.

Guidelines for preparation of proposal to host ISER

All proposals should be typed and submitted to the ISER Secretary by the start of the current Symposium. Each proposal should consist of the following:

The proposed venue should be specified with a full description of the facilities available for conference activities and accommodation.
Please contact the Secretary for more information.

A full budget of all anticipated income and expenditure should be included together with details of source.
Please contact the Secretary for more information.

Details should be provided of any official involvement, financial or otherwise, from allied organisations or government bodies.
Please contact the Secretary for more information.

The proposal should outline the composition of the anticipated Local Organising Committee.
Please contact the Secretary for more information.

Some information regarding the availability of facilities for a social programme (including the half-day break from the scientific programme) should be included. The nature of this will depend upon the area in which the meeting is to be held. The proposals will be considered and a decision announced by the ISER International Committee during the current ISER i.e. 4 years in advance of the proposed ISER location. Selection will be based upon the quality, feasibility and reliability of the proposal and an assessment of the importance of the proposed host country to equine research.

As an additional guide, view the successful bid for ISERXII, hosted in Cambridge.

Click here to download the document. Click to access Guidelines to Host ISER Symposium
Background Background

1st -6th August 2027

Dublin, Ireland