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The International Symposium on Equine Reproduction (ISER)

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The ISER International Committee are delighted to announce that ISERXIV will be held in Dublin, Ireland, 1st - 6th August 2027. Please put the dates in your diary and watch this website for details.

Background Background

1st -6th August 2027

Dublin, Ireland

During each symposium, delegates attend scientific sessions
which report and discuss new research data related to all aspects
of equine reproduction. Young researchers are actively encouraged
to present their data in a supportive environment. The scientific
sessions, combined with convivial social activities are invaluable
to advance our knowledge and understanding of equine reproduction.

We are proud of the spirit of friendship and collaboration that these
symposia have engendered over the past decades, which continue to
the current day. Importantly, research findings are frequently translated
into clinical veterinary practice and disseminated at each symposium
via a dedicated Practitioners’ Day.

Find out more

ISER is overseen by an International Committee of at least eight elected members, who represent distinct geographical regions of the world and are supported by a Secretariat. The detailed organisation of each symposium is delegated to a Local Organising Committee (LOC), with support from the International Committee. Financial support for each ISER is provided by the International Equine Reproduction Trust (IERT), a charity which is registered in the United Kingdom (Charity Commission number 278254). IERT receives any profits from each ISER and fund-raising events, which are then donated to the LOC as loans or grants. Additional sponsorship funding is raised by each LOC.

Any suggestions to improve the quality of the symposium and advance our understanding of equine reproduction or indeed any interest in sponsorship are very welcome...

And may be conveyed to the International Committee through any of its members or the Secretary.